Gathering  outstanding  go-getters 

Our team

Team Mechanical

   The Mechanical Team oversees the robot's structural design, transitioning from initial concept sketches to the final product's fabrication and assembly. Our mechanical framework forms the robot's backbone and heart.

team electrical&control

    The Electrical&Control Team specializes in crafting bespoke circuit designs and embedded control systems for our robots. We devise the control theory and operational logic, serving as the robot's joints and nervous system

team computer&Software

    The CS Team melds computer vision with AI learning, setting the groundwork for the robot's automatic recognition and autonomous navigation. Our image processing and algorithms act as the robot's eyes and intellect.

team external

    The External Team plays a pivotal role in ensuring the project's financial viability, strategic positioning, and market readiness. We handle fundraising, budgeting, marketing, and partnerships, bridging the gap between technical development and the market.

Team Lead

  • Bingqing(Alto) Guo


  • Ranald Hollan

    Mec Team Lead

  • Xingjian(Barry) Gao

    E&C Team Lead

  • Jianxi Wang

    CS Team Lead

  • Dhaval Patel

    External Team Lead

  • Kiet La

    Mec Team Co-Lead

  • Haoran Qi

    E&C Acting Lead

Team Members

  • Fardeen Madhurjo

    Mec Team Member

  • Francis Tran

    Mec Team Member

  • Tyler Adams

    Mec Team Member

  • Chloe Katerynych

    Mec Team Member

  • Xiuhong Yu

    E&C Team Member

  • James Fu

    E&C Team Member


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