Gathering outstanding go-getters
Our teams
The mechanical team oversees the robot's structural design, transitioning from initial concept sketches to the final product's fabrication and assembly. Our mechanical framework forms the robot's backbone and heart.
The hardware team is responsible for every aspect of our robot's physical electrical components. They manage everything from designing custom circuit boards to meticulously wiring the bot.
The control team orchestrates the synergy between driver inputs and robot movements. They translate button presses into precise motor actions, ensuring seamless operation and responsiveness.
The software team melds computer vision with AI learning, setting the groundwork for the robot's automatic recognition and autonomous navigation. Our image processing and algorithms act as the robot's eyes and intellect.
Team Lead
Bingqing(Alto) Guo
Ranald Hollan
Mec Team Lead
Xingjian(Barry) Gao
E&C Team Lead
Jianxi Wang
CS Team Lead
Dhaval Patel
External Team Lead
Kiet La
Mec Team Co-Lead
Haoran Qi
E&C Acting Lead